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Fall Fun in Terlingua, Texas!

Writer: Polli RayburnPolli Rayburn

Autumn arrives in the desert! Fall is an ideal season to explore Big Bend as it offers a plethora of enjoyable activities.

As temperatures drop, visitors return, bringing a lively atmosphere to the region. The low humidity and cooler weather make the desert especially appealing. Hiking, paddling, and horseback riding are popular activities, while local events add to the excitement. Here are some of the local events happening this Fall you won't want to miss.

Starting in October, 2024:

The 2nd Annual Disc Golf Challenge at the Extreme Desert Disc Golf Course located at Cinnamon Sky Ranch from Friday, October 11 to Sunday, October 13, 2024.

The Firefighter's Ball on October 19th from 5pm to Midnight. Admission is $20. Come and have a great time with music, food, and entertainment. The event aims to raise funds for the Terlingua Fire and Emergency Medical Services.

The 57th Annual Tolbert's Chili Cook Off from October 30th to November 2nd.

Experience top-notch chili, music, and entertainment! Live bands will perform each of the four nights, starting with The Moonshiner's on Wednesday and ending with Los Pinche Gringos on Saturday. The Chili Cook Off promises an enjoyable and memorable experience.

In November 2024

The 6th Annual Dutch Oven Cookoff at JackAss Flats from November 6th to 9th. Enjoy watching goat roping, wild burro racing, live music, delicious food, and many other activities for a fun time.

With all the fun activities and festivities going on, you'll certainly need a place to stay! Stay with us at Paisano Azul Ranch. Our accommodations are comfortable, boast great views, and a relaxing atmosphere. We are centrally located to all the great activities, national park, and local conveniences. We look forward to seeing you!

725 Rd. Runner Circle

Terlingua, Texas, 79852





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